11 Jun

There are a lot of products that explode in popularity because of the internet. Social media beholds the power to define the journey of a product from rags to riches. One such material is metallic epoxy flooring which is surged in popularity and there are very likely chances that you must have spotted the material on the internet. Metallic epoxy floors have been in the market for quite some time now and the benefits they possess make them a special material to use for your flooring. We at Sealwell Inc have a team of some of the best commercial flooring contractors who will be glad to help you know about this wonderful flooring material and help you choose the best design for your floors. We will further see 3 important reasons why an individual should consider a metallic epoxy flooring system for their new project.

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Metallic Epoxy Flooring

What is metallic epoxy?

Before we start to explore all our reasons we must at first know a little more about what exactly is the metallic epoxy. In a much simpler term, metallic epoxy can be described as a system that is augmented with the help of metallic pigment to be able to create a very durable, long-lasting, and shimmering finish. A 2 part process is involved in metallic pigmentation epoxies that will include a hardener and an epoxy resin. The hardener will help the epoxy to become more hard and dry. The mixing process involves the implementation of the metallic pigment which will thus help in creating very unique and different effects in the coating. This beautiful finish is what makes the metallic epoxy flooring so popular and effective. Let's continue further and understand those 3 reasons which will make someone consider the metallic epoxy floors. 

Reason 1- The Finishes

Over the last few years, metallic epoxy flooring has gained some serious popularity. The internet has played its part to popularize it for its fine and classy finishes. There is a combination of different brushes, and solvents; blowers and coating are used in a certain way to achieve the desired results. with the use of such tactics and different tools, an epoxy flooring contractor can give a different finish which would resemble a cloud, lava, or waver giving it a surreal look. These unique designs make the use of metallic epoxy flooring so popular around the country. A very interesting aspect about these metallic epoxies is the fact that because the solution of it is so sporadic, you will never be able to find a similar metallic epoxy even if the same contractor has worked on it. 

Reason 2- The Benefits

There is a very unusual feeling with a lot of people who feel that a product serving beauty won’t be tough enough. The same case goes with the metallic epoxy floor that happens to be beautiful and decorative but people have the feeling that they won’t provide the same benefits as the traditional epoxy floors. But the fact is that they are 100 percent solid epoxy systems which is one of the most durable products on the market. Therefore there is no doubt that they will provide the same or better results when installed in a commercial or residential setting. We further list some of the benefits of metallic epoxy floors. 

  • They are extremely hygienic
  • They are stain and chemical resistant
  • They can provide service for 10 to 30 years ( depends on how are they being used and treated)
  • Normal maintenance requirement
  • Slip-resistant

Reason 3- Investment Factors

When we include the investment factor into consideration, it is essential to understand that any product which enhances the beauty and durability of a place is the best bet. It will help in enhancing the overall price of the place to several folds.  The metallic epoxy flooring does the same. It can also be used for basement waterproofing which will not only protect your basement from any kind of water damage but will keep the place free of any bacteria or unhygienic substances. Including it will enhance the overall value of the place.

These are 3 important reasons which make the metallic epoxy floors a worthy candidate in the modern-day market. We Sealwell inc have a team of one of the best epoxy flooring contractors who will help you at every step of the installation project. 

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