09 Nov

Running a bar is hard work. Not only do you have to check more than a dozen different things at once, but you need to make sure that your brewery can be stable for a long time. A brewery is a unique combination of many different factors that can affect the brewery, especially on the floor. In most industries, the floor and floor is an arbitrary or even aesthetic consideration, but the floor of the brewery flooring is not. Like all industries related to food and beverages, manufacturing companies must comply with many laws and regulations if they want to remain successful in the market. Among them, many laws are related to the cleanliness of its production facilities.

Based on Sealwell INC decades of experience with brewery equipment, it appears that the brewery flooring needs to recycle the soil every seven years to maintain compliance with local sanitation standards. . If you want the bar floor to serve you for many years, it must be one of the strongest. It must be done with special chemicals to ensure the strength and health of the floor.

Brewery Flooring

Top 5 Things To Consider When Designing Brewery Flooring

  • Durability

The bed and the bed are constantly worn. The cleaning process usually includes steam and boiling water, which creates different changes in temperature that the soil will withstand. During and after completion, forklifts or pallet jacks are often used to transport the production materials and beer around the brewery and the floor, requiring soil treatment that will withstand abrasion and heavy loads. The cracked and peeling floor provides a safe place for equipment, a tripping hazard for workers, and provides the perfect environment for bacteria to grow right after the brewer's yeast is spilled. A tough, seamless polyurethane floor system will withstand heavy duty use without damaging surfaces such as polished concrete flooring paint or epoxy systems.

  • Thermal Shock Resistance

During production, you can use both steam and boiling water to produce the product, and use cold water to clean the equipment. The soil where wine is produced often has a wide range of temperatures, from boiling hot to near freezing. This constant temperature change will damage the common ground and dangerous cracks and bursts will occur due to the constant expansion and contraction of the material. The best way to prevent cracking of the brewery flooring FL where the product is made is to apply a polyurethane coating. Because polyurethane expands and functions at the same rate as concrete slabs, it allows for natural expansion/contraction without cracking or delamination.

  • Experienced Brewers

When it comes to marketing your product, you don't want to cut your brewer's budget. A good team of designers can make or break a product and can mean the difference between negative online reviews, or praise and the introduction of new customers. Look for developers with as much experience as possible. You want them to have a good track record and not try the job, learning as they go. 

Also read about, Everything You Need to Know About Polished Concrete Floors

  • Requirements For a Brewery- Ventilation

The best way to understand this trick is to explain it with an example. When you brew beer, you cook your food in a kettle, and you need air to release the steam. If you choose the steam system; you will need an exhaust duct in the fireplace for a gas fireplace. If you choose a direct gas system, you will need an exhaust pipe for the kettle firebox.

  • Slip-Resistance

There is a lot of liquid in the brewery, spillage during transport and liquid during drying are common occurrences. With many wineries open for public tours, workers aren't the only ones to consider. With so many people walking around on the brewery flooring GA, it is very important to have a non-slip surface even when wet. Blocks or tiles can become slippery when wet, the best option is to add a non-stick coating to your polyurethane floor to provide extra protection for employees and guests.


There are many factors involved in preparing for industrial and commercial brewing flooring. From the ground floor to the top of the tower the idea and the need to be useful. The more you plan and prepare, the more likely you are to succeed.

If you are planning to open or expand a brewery, you can contact Sealwell industrial floor experts directly. Our engineers will design and manufacture the brewery equipment according to the manufacturing process. Of course, we will also provide you with a complete solution. Also, if you are planning to expand your brewery, we will provide you with a customized solution. To contact me directly you can send an email to: kevin@sealwellinc.com and call us on (844)-443-2844.

Reference url, https://bit.ly/3EhL22U

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